A tabby cat is so happy to find a family that she can trust to help her with her only kitten.
Ashley @youngestoldcatlady
In early March, a long-haired tabby named Scarlet was brought to Ashley's Kitten Academy (a volunteer-run animal rescue in Seattle, Washington) along with her single kitten Scout.
She was very nervous and scared at first, but when she met her foster family, she began to relax and even started purring. Scout was just a few days old and getting undivided attention from his mom. Scarlet wrapped around her only kitten and showered him with love.
"It's not often I get a mom with one baby. This little boy is going to get so spoiled," Ashley Morrison, founder of Ashley's Kitten Academy, shared with Love Meow. "Scarlet was in desperate need of medical attention. She had a suspicious large lump on her side and a matted spot on the other side."
Ashley @youngestoldcatlady
After a trip to the vet, they were able to treat the lump, which turned out to be an abscess, and got the sweet tabby cat back on the right track.
With proper care, good food, and a comfortable abode, Scarlet's appetite quickly improved. She came out of her shell and her true personality started to emerge.
Ashley @youngestoldcatlady
The sweet cat mom is missing her upper canines and sports some of the most adorable looks on her face. She often sticks her tongue out while she goes about her day.
"She is happy to see me when I come in the room and starts purring and looking for back scratches," Ashley told Love Meow.
Ashley @youngestoldcatlady
With Scarlet recovering, she was eating like a champ, had a lot more energy and was able to concentrate on raising her little mini-me. The kitten quickly discovered his purr and put it to good use every time he nursed on his mama.
As Scout continued to put on weight and gain strength, he began to waddle and explore. Scarlet would cheer him on with a gentle nudge on his back, as if to tell him to keep going.
Ashley @youngestoldcatlady
At three weeks old, Scout nearly reached the one-pound mark. Scarlet made sure he never missed a meal, and it showed. "He's big for his age, but I'm not surprised as he's the only one at the milk bar," Ashley shared.
Watch Scarlet and Scout in this cute video:
Scarlet the cat mom and her only kitten www.youtube.com
As Scout became bigger and more adventurous, Scarlet also found her inner kitten and began to spend more time playing.
Ashley @youngestoldcatlady
"The last few nights as I laid in bed, I could hear something going on in their room."
Ashley put a camera in and saw Scarlet getting the zoomies and tossing her toys around. Once she wrangled up all the toys, she would carry them back to the nest and shared them with Scout.
Ashley @youngestoldcatlady
"She now has more toys and I can't wait to give her some more space to play," Ashley shared with Love Meow.
While the kitten works on perfecting his gait, Scarlet is always nearby watching over him. "Scarlet is a great mom and Scout is a very plump happy little boy. She takes such great care of him."
Ashley @youngestoldcatlady
The sweet mother and son duo is thriving in foster care.
Scarlet has really blossomed since the day she arrived. She enjoys getting her belly rubbed and greets her foster family every day with her signature smile.
Ashley @youngestoldcatlady
Scout is learning how to smile like his mom. "He is so precious and he's getting more of a personality every day."
Ashley @youngestoldcatlady
Share this story with your friends. Follow updates on Scarlet and Scout and Ashley's rescues on Facebook and Instagram @youngestoldcatlady.
Related story: Cat Found Covered in Snow and Ice, Got Her Kittens Help Just in Time So They Could Thrive
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