A stray cat is so thrilled to get help for her kittens and never have to wander the streets again.
Kayla @salemfosterkittens
Last week, Kayla, a foster volunteer of Salem Friends of Felines, was contacted about a stray cat who had recently given birth. The beautiful momma has four surviving kittens that she is completely devoted to.
They have named her Priscilla (after Elvis' wife) for the endearing Elvis lip curl that she proudly wears everywhere she goes. She often sticks out her tongue to add more character to her face. The sweet feline is so pleased to have a quiet, comfortable room to nestle in with her demanding babies.
Soon after she got out of her carrier, she lied down on her side and went right to feeding the hungry little mouths.
Kayla @salemfosterkittens
"She's such a good momma that she doesn't want to leave her babies," Kayla shared with Love Meow. "She was found a stray. I'm not sure if her babies were born outside or not, but I do know that this isn't her first litter."
The kittens were around three days old when they arrived at their foster home.
Kayla @salemfosterkittens
The cat mom came with some stomach issues and received much-needed medical attention to help her heal. She began to trust and even extend her paws for affection.
They don't know how long she was out on the streets before she found her way to the rescue, but the sweet cat mom is content and fills her room with purrs while she waves her paws in the air.
Kayla @salemfosterkittens
It didn't take long for Priscilla to realize that Kayla was there to help. She started to entrust her with her kittens and take breaks to replenish and stretch from time to time.
Knowing that her babies were in good hands, she even ventured out a bit to check out her room, inspecting everything she could find.
Kayla @salemfosterkittens
For the first time in a while, the former stray can relax and enjoy having a roof over her head and getting attention and pets on demand. She's discovered her own reflection and even tried to wave at it.
She's starting to entertain the idea of playing with toys, but still unsure on how to properly maneuver them.
Kayla @salemfosterkittens
Her age is uncertain though they believe that she might be on the older side.
Watch Priscilla and her kittens in this cute video:
Cat and Her Kittens www.youtube.com
After wandering the streets for as long as she did, Priscilla is getting very comfortable with indoor life and all the indulgences of having a loving family.
Kayla @salemfosterkittens
When Kayla comes into the room, she's immediately greeted by the friendly momma. "She will leave her babies for a bit to come get brushed and pet," Kayla told Love Meow.
She has many expressions and never fails to make her humans smile.
Kayla @salemfosterkittens
The kittens still have a lot of growing to do, but when they are big enough for adoption, Mama Priscilla will retire from motherhood once and for all.
She will never have to roam the streets for shelter and food or go through another pregnancy again.
Kayla @salemfosterkittens
Priscilla squeezes every second out of her busy maternity schedule to get pampered by her humans.
She is a doting cat mom to all her babies and doing a wonderful job taking care of them. The kittens are kept immaculately clean, and their mom keeps a watchful eye, making sure they don't wander off.
Kayla @salemfosterkittens
The cat with the perfect lip curl is loving her VIP life. She rumbles happily along with her four little purr machines.
Kayla @salemfosterkittens
Share this story with your friends. Follow updates on the little family and Kayla's fosters on Facebook and Instagram @salemfosterkittens.
Related story: Cat with Airplane Ears Showed Up in Backyard, Now Cares for Every Foster Kitten that Comes Through the Door
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