A man befriended a cat at his warehouse and rescued her kittens just in time.
Wrenn Rescues
Erin, a volunteer of Wrenn Rescues (in Los Angeles), got a text message from her husband about a few community cats at his warehouse that needed help. He recently took over the establishment and discovered that it came with several resident mousers.
While he was doing some recon on the cats, he noticed that one of the community cats, their star mouser, appeared to be pregnant.
When he came back the next day, he couldn't find her. A couple of days later, the workers pointed him to the whereabouts of the cat and her newborn kittens.
Wrenn Rescues
The tabby decided to give birth in an unsafe location that is not suitable for raising kittens. When he saw the little family, he knew he had to get them into a foster home. Wrenn Rescues was then contacted and immediately offered a helping hand.
"The plan went into action. The cat is friendly, loves pets, and the guys there pick her up and snuggle her," Erin told Love Meow.
Wrenn Rescues
"We packed up food and blankets. (My husband) pulled each kitten from their deplorable living conditions and put them in a kennel, and Mom went right in." Sadly one of the kittens didn't make it, but the rest of the litter survived.
The cat mother, Marigold, was so pleased with her new digs filled with clean blankets and soft things. She ate to her heart's content, and then cozied up to her kittens and started grooming and nursing them.
Wrenn Rescues
Momma Marigold was very sweet from the start. It didn't take long for her to adapt to the new environment.
"She's very loving. She'll come over and rub against my legs or just come hang out by me for a little mama break. She loves head scratches like no other," Nikki, Foster Mom, told Love Meow. "Her love for her babies is something truly magical."
Wrenn Rescues
The sweet tabby is happy to get some assistance to raise her very demanding babies. She lets Nikki keep tabs on their weights, but always has her watchful eye on them.
"She is totally okay with me handling them but the moment one starts to cry out, she has to come right over to inspect. She'll just sit there and watch me weigh them," Nikki shared with Love Meow. "Once I put one back she goes right back in to lay with them. She's such a good mama, very nurturing and loving."
Wrenn Rescues
As it turned out, Marigold found her way to the warehouse when she was a kitten. She decided to make the place her home and quickly crept her way into the hearts of the workers. She became the best mouser on the block and greeted people every day as they arrived.
Once the kittens are weaned and big enough, Marigold will retire from motherhood once and for all, and return to the warehouse where she belongs, to continue her role as their star mouser.
Wrenn Rescues
"The guys at the warehouse have already checked in on her twice," Erin told Love Meow. "In the meantime, our volunteers will work on getting the remaining cats at this location spayed and neutered, so the cycle stops here."
Marigold seems so content knowing that her five kittens (Sprout, Knox, Sunny, Ember and Blossom) are safe and well. They are growing by leaps and bounds and will soon be opening their eyes and using their little legs to waddle.
Wrenn Rescues
"I'm so happy she's trusting me and so happy that she has a warm, cozy spot to raise her babies," Nikki shared.
Wrenn Rescues
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Related story: Man Finds Cat In His Garage While He Tries to Fix His Jeep But He Doesn't Own a Cat
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