Four little kittens came to their foster home for a chance at a better life. The runt of the litter immediately stood out.
Asa @shibuyarollcall
Earlier this week, Asa, a foster volunteer for The Crazy Cat Family (a TNR-focused cat rescue in New York City), welcomed four tuxedo kittens into her home. They had been found together in a backyard in Queens, and were in desperate need of TLC.
The kittens (Peanut, Cashew, Pistachio, and Hazelnut) were estimated to be 3-4 weeks old. They immediately sought affection upon arrival.
The runt of the litter, Peanut, quickly stood out as the most demanding little kitten. Despite being the smallest, he had the biggest personality from the start.
Asa @shibuyarollcall
Asa's resident dog Kona came to offer a helping paw. The sweet canine is a rescue herself and has always had a nurturing heart for animals in need. Whenever Asa brings home new kittens, she is the first to greet them with licks and snuggles.
With no exception, when she heard the arrival of the four kittens, her motherly instincts kicked in, in full gear.
Asa @shibuyarollcall
She walked up to one tuxedo baby and printed her signature kisses on his face and then moved on to another one to do the same. The kittens immediately gravitated towards her.
Peanut, the smallest one of the litter, nuzzled right into Kona's belly and attempted to nurse. Even the most hissy kitten Pistachio couldn't resist Kona's love.
Asa @shibuyarollcall
Within minutes, Kona wrangled up all the kittens in a bed with her, letting them comfort-nurse and soak up the love. The kitties were so happy to have a surrogate mom to nestle with and conked out next to her.
With Momma Kona doting on them constantly, the kittens' personalities are starting to shine through. They have discovered their voices and aren't shy of using them.
Peanut the runt of the litterAsa @shibuyarollcall
Peanut may be the runt but the little guy has a big voice, and will meow nonstop until he gets what he wants.
The tiny ball of fur likes to be carried around the house. He will crawl on his human's foot and wrap his arms around their leg when he is ready for a ride.
Asa @shibuyarollcall
When his people aren't immediately available, he goes straight to Kona for cuddles and love.
Watch Kona and her foster kittens in this cute video:
Kittens and dog www.youtube.com
Kona the doting momma keeps an eye on the kittens at all times, making sure they don't wander off too far.
Asa @shibuyarollcall
Peanut tried to make a dash to the door one time, but only to be intercepted by Kona. She ran to the kitten, carried him by the nape of the neck and brought him back to Asa.
The little trouble-maker has the whole family to cater to his every need.
Asa @shibuyarollcall
The four kittens are thriving in their foster home and turning into playful, rambunctious young cats.
Kona is so proud of her foster babies and takes her job very seriously. She spends every evening napping with the kittens, and is always attentive to their needs.
Asa @shibuyarollcall
The backyard kittens are loving their new life as indoor cats and can't get enough of love from their foster family.
Asa @shibuyarollcall
Share this story with your friends. Follow updates on the foster kittens and Kona on Instagram @shibuyarollcall.
Related story: Sweet Kitten Found in Backyard Has Her Life Turned Around by Kindness
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