A kitten found his way to the perfect home and transformed into a feisty, doe-eyed cat.
Mickey the cat with big wide eyes@mickeythemanxkitty
Mickey (aka Trombone) was a wee kitten when he became the sole survivor in his litter. He was born with a congenital condition and in need of specialized care. When Ellen Carozza LVT, one of the founders of the Chris Griffey Memorial Feline Foundation (in Virginia), saw the little guy, she took him on without hesitation.
The kitten was diagnosed with Manx Syndrome. He didn't have much use of his hindquarters and would need assistance to go potty or wear a diaper. Despite it all, Mickey wasn't bothered at the slightest.
From day one, the kitten was enthralled by all the new things surrounding him. He enjoyed snuggling with the veterinary staff, scooting around for extra pets.
Ellen Carozza LVT @thecatlvt
With treatment and therapy, Mickey improved and was ready to find a place of his own.
Tara from Canada came across Mickey on social media, and was instantly smitten with his playful personality. "I thought he would be a perfect fit and companion for my other special needs cat Mira," Tara told Love Meow.
As it turned out, Tara was the perfect match for the sweet boy.
With the help of a volunteer who is a flight attendant, the kitten flew to his new home from Virginia to Toronto. "I took him out of the carrier and he just looked at me with those big eyes, held onto me and started purring. It was perfect," Tara shared with Love Meow.
Tara prepared a room for Mickey to settle in, while other resident animals greeted him through a baby gate at the door.
"Within a couple days he made them all love him and joined the pack, especially loving on Mira and Paco (the dog)."
Mickey quickly assumed the role as the king of his new kingdom. He took over Paco's beds and would chase after any socks, especially the ones on Tara's feet.
Mickey and his canine buddy Paco@mickeythemanxkitty
"He loves my feet, always has, especially when there are socks on them. He turns into a floor sweeper," Tara told Love Meow.
Mickey is a mischief-maker through and through, and constantly on the lookout for trouble.
He is fearless and very mischievous@mickeythemanxkitty
He is fearless, can climb the stairs like a champ, and doesn't let anything stop him from having fun.
Watch Mickey and his journey in this cute video:
Mickey the cat www.youtube.com
When he hears the back door open, Mickey will scoot over swiftly to catch some fresh air or hang out with his mom in the backyard.
The clever kitty has a way of getting out of any trouble. He will flash his people those big wide eyes, and no one can say no to that.
"He's one of the the most facially expressive cats I've ever seen," Tara told Love Meow.
"He gets himself into all kinds of mischief but in the end, he loves snuggling and getting rubs from me. He's just a momma's boy at heart."
Aside from his feisty nature, Mickey is also very affectionate to everyone around him.
He is a love-bug@mickeythemanxkitty
After Paco passed away last month, Mickey slept in his beds or on his toys for quite some time. He now shares the beds and backyard time with a rescue pup named Emery, following in Paco's paw-steps.
Mickey in Paco's bed@mickeythemanxkitty
"Mickey has the biggest personality I've ever known in a cat and I can't imagine my life without him," Tara shared.
"He has no fear, no limits, and is capable of getting where he wants, when he wants, and doesn't let anything stop him. He's a very determined little guy with so much love."
Share this story with your friends. Follow Mickey and his adventures on Instagram @mickeythemanxkitty.
Related story: Orphan Kitten Sneaks into a Nest of Small Kittens and Insists on Being Part of Their Family
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