A cat who was found in a carrier with her kittens on the sidewalk, is so happy to be helped by kind neighbors.
Valentina the cat mom and her kittensEllen Richter
Ellen Richter, a foster carer based in Las Vegas, was notified about a cat and her litter of six found outside in a neighborhood.
Neighbors discovered two carriers, one of which had the mom and her kittens, and the other contained two adult cats believed to be the siblings of the cat mother.
Their owners moved away and left them on the sidewalk. "Thankfully, the neighbors took them in that night, and started calling around for help," Ellen shared with Love Meow.
They were left in a carrier on the sidewalkEllen Richter
"One of my friends saw the plea and was able to coordinate picking up the cat mama, getting her to safety with her babies, and getting a rescue group to sponsor them."
Another rescue organization stepped up to take in the two other adult cats, and had them vetted, neutered and put up for adoption.
Kind neighbors took them in and local rescues stepped up to helpEllen Richter
The cat mom, Valentina, and her kittens were brought into foster care with Ellen last weekend, so she could have a comfortable place to raise her babies and plenty of food to feast on.
Valentina was exhausted after the long ordeal, and stayed in bed with her kittens the first night. She could finally relax and catch some much-needed rest.
She could finally relax and catch some much-needed shut-eye
"She stretched out and fell into a deep sleep. I didn't have the heart to move her yet, so I sat there on the floor, talking softly to her, letting her know she didn't have to worry anymore," Ellen told Love Meow.
"I would like to think she knew she was finally safe in a home and finally relaxed."
Ellen Richter
Valentina was so pleased with her comfy new nest covered in blankets, and all-you-can-eat buffet. She quickly came out of her shell, switched on her purr motor and kept rumbling throughout the day.
Watch Valentina and her kittens in this cute video:
Valentina the cat and her kittens www.youtube.com
The doting mom is very protective of her kittens and caters to their every need.
Valentina is very protective of her demanding babiesEllen Richter
She is glad to get some help from her foster mom and starting to enjoy pets and lap time with her human. Whenever she needs a break, she will walk up to Ellen for some affection.
"I am still amazed that she is so friendly, considering everything that happened to her in those two days," Ellen told Love Meow.
Ellen Richter
The kittens are beginning to open their eyes to see for the first time. With new-found strength and curiosity, the little ones are getting more active, wriggling around, trying to find their feet.
Mama Valentina keeps a close eye on her babies, making sure they don't wander off too far.
The kittens are starting to open their eyesEllen Richter
Valentina is so glad to have a roof over their heads and a foster family to assist her and help her babies thrive. She kneads on her blankets in bliss while her kittens are by her side, nursing or snoozing away.
Ellen Richter
"When I lay with her on the floor, she just wants to be next to me, and craves human affection," Ellen shared. "I tell her how beautiful she is, and we will find her a home that loves her and cherishes her."
Sweet ValentinaEllen Richter
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Related story: Orphan Kitten Sneaks into a Nest of Small Kittens and Insists on Being Part of Their Family
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