Kittens who were found under a duplex, were so happy to be back with their cat mom. They came running to her.
Coastal Bend Cat Rescue
A concerned citizen found seven 6-week-old kittens under her duplex last month. The cat mother was nowhere in sight and didn't come back to her babies. "They were thin and hungry so the finder took them in and contacted us for help," Mary Huckabee, an officer with Coastal Bend Cat Rescue (CBCR), told Love Meow.
A foster volunteer of CBCR sprang into action and welcomed all seven into her home. Meanwhile, the finder continued to keep an eye out for the mom in hopes of seeing her return.
The kittens were scrawny, malnourished, and starving. Fiddlesticks, the runt of the litter, was in the worst shape. Just when they thought she would need to be bottle-fed and receive supportive care, they got a call from the finder.
Seven kittens: Crossword, Tic Tac Toe, Sudoku, Jumble, MadLibs, Cryptogram and FiddlesticksCoastal Bend Cat Rescue
The cat mother showed up three days after the kittens were found, needing help herself. The finder stayed up all night trying to catch her, and was determined to get her off the streets.
"When she found her, she was wearing a collar that was way too tight. A neighbor said she had been tossed out to survive on her own when a family down the street moved," Mary shared with Love Meow.
Mama MazeCoastal Bend Cat Rescue
Volunteers rushed to pick up the momma cat, whom they named Maze, and reunited her with her kittens. "As soon as she was released from the carrier, Maze hopped in the foster pen. She recognized her babies right away, and they recognized her too."
One after another, the kittens came swarming up to Maze, vying for her attention by pawing on her or nuzzling into her belly. Maze started grooming them one by one until she was succumbed by the clowder of seven.
The kittens were so happy to be reunited with their momCoastal Bend Cat Rescue
"The kittens were so excited to see her and climbing all over her until she lay down to let them nurse."
The demanding seven lined up on their mom's belly and nursed vigorously. Fiddlesticks stayed with Mama Maze all morning, making up for lost time. "Her belly grew exponentially that day."
Mama Maze and her little mini-meCoastal Bend Cat Rescue
"Mama and babies had a joyous reunion. They seemed so thankful to be together, especially the tiniest, who nursed all morning long and is looking so much better. I shed some happy tears that day."
Watch Mama Maze and her reunion with her kittens in this cute video:
Maze the cat and her kittens www.youtube.com
"The babies were adorable from the get-go, but they have blossomed even more with their mom," Mary shared with Love Meow.
"They love to play and are super friendly. They are also very bonded to each other and always sleep in one big pile, even when there are multiple beds."
Coastal Bend Cat Rescue
The finder fell head over heels for Maze, and couldn't stop thinking about her. The sweet tabby came into her life around the time she lost her father. She found comfort in Maze when she showed up that night.
"She said they bonded immediately. She wants to adopt Maze once she is done raising her last litter of kittens," Mary shared.
Coastal Bend Cat Rescue
Maze is an incredible mother to her litter of seven and caters to their every whim. She tolerates their antics and all the unbridled energy unleashed at her tail.
Fiddlesticks is catching up in size with her siblings, and the feline family of eight are thriving.
Coastal Bend Cat Rescue
Maze is so pleased to be indoors again after having to fend for herself and her kittens for some time. Now, she has a wonderful family awaiting her and will be adored and cherished forever.
Coastal Bend Cat Rescue
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Related story: Cat Found Wandering on Snowy Roads is So Happy to Have Her Kittens Out of the Cold
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