A kitten who was seen running towards traffic near a school, instantly calmed down in the arms of a young cat whisperer.
Bubblegum the kitten@kitkatplayroom
Last month, Jen Mack, the founder of Kitkat Playroom, received a message about a stray kitten found alone outside an elementary school.
The finder was picking up her 6-year-old daughter, Addie, when they spotted the kitten frantically running towards the buses. "She didn't want him to be run over, so she rushed to save him," Jen told Love Meow.
The mother managed to get the kitten to safety and brought him into her car. They didn't have a carrier, so the mother called Jen trying to figure out what to do.
He was found running towards buses outside a school@kitkatplayroom
Addie saw the timid little kitten and wanted to make him feel at ease. She gently picked him up and placed him in her arms while her mother was on the phone.
The kitten instantly calmed down and switched on his purr motor. "He stayed in her arms and didn't try to run away. That's when he realized he must be safe."
Bubblegum instantly calmed down when Addie placed him in her arms@kitkatplayroom
The kitten clung to his little human on their ride to the rescue. He was completely enamored as Addie talked to him softly, reassuring him that he was safe. Addie was able to earn his trust by showing him gentle kindness.
At home, Addie's family has dogs, but she's always been a cat lover. "She started her first day of school dressed as a cat, with a cat backpack and cat shaped water bottle."
Even though she couldn't take the kitten home because their dogs aren't cat-friendly, she helped the kitten warm up to people and even had a name picked out for him.
"I asked Addie, 'I heard you have a name for him?' She said, 'Yes, I wanted to name him Bubblegum.' So, Bubblegum he is," Jen told Love Meow.
Later that night, Addie and her mother returned to the school to search for a mother cat or other kittens, but couldn't find any. It's a mystery how Bubblegum came to be on his own, but he will never have to go another day without food and shelter.
Bubblegum was malnourished and just skin and bones. After getting treated for an upper respiratory infection and fleas, he began his healing process in the comfort of a foster home.
He was so hungry that he scarfed down his food as if there was no tomorrow. Within one week, the kitten put on a whole pound and gained plenty of energy and confidence.
"Bubblegum loves playing and sleeping with his older kitty foster siblings. Even the old cranky cat in the house loves him," Jen shared.
"He's the most sociable, cuddliest kitten in the world. His vet staff all spent as much time as possible with him because he's so snuggly. Everyone who meets him, adores him."
At 10 weeks old now, Bubblegum is ready for a place of his own. "He never complains about anything, even car rides. He's pretty much happy and purring 24/7."
"His purr can be heard for miles and he enjoys curling in your lap. Bubblegum is full of personality -- he likes to watch himself in the mirror."
With the help of Addie and her mother, Bubblegum has turned a corner and discovered his penchant for snuggles. "We are so proud of Addie for saving Bubblegum."
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